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This section was not in the original draft, but after listening to the reviewers, it seems that there is indeed a need for you the reader to know a little about the man behind the book.

I could say that within the last couple of years, I won the Rolls-Royce International Award for Best Patented Design. I could say that my wife and I have acquired a portfolio of 19 properties worth £2.4 million within 13 months, with an investment of less than £100,000. This has enabled me to say farewell to my engineering career and focus on more worthy goals like writing this book for you. The above statements are all true, and that’s what some readers will want to hear, but what I want you all to hear, is that I am an ordinary chap, living in the real world with real people and real situations. Yes, I did do some necessary work to achieve the above, and by applying what is in this book, I have enjoyed what has happened over the last few years with embarrassing ease. So embarrassing was the ease that I stopped talking about it to most people as they were stressed and working their socks off to pursue their own goals and dreams.

Life is great, but like most people, I have had my challenges. One of my biggest ones was that by my mid-thirties I realised that I had been consuming an alcoholic drink of some sort almost every day for the previous 18 years. The amounts had very gradually increased over the years, and I finally admitted to myself that I was hooked, and it was taking its toll on my body. I already had a lot of knowledge of traditional and advanced methods to tackle addictions, alcoholism and behavioural change but nothing worked long term. I battled for three years to overcome it, and I eventually found a way to total freedom. I have not had the desire to drink since 1999. During that 3-year battle, I learned much of what goes on in our minds, how to change it, and how to programme our future for a new life.